Internet Theme by Raghad Alhalabi
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Internet Theme

56 لعبوا اللعبة
  • ar
  • العمر: 6-7
  • منذ 7 أشهر، 2 أسبوعين
Raghad Alhalabi
Raghad Alhalabi

1- What do we click to x out of the window?
2- Where is the address bar?
3- Where is the back arrow?
4- What do we click to hide the entire window like magic?
5- which one of these is a web browser?
6- Click on the tab
7- Click on the window
8- What button do we press after we type word into the address bar? the enter key
9- Click on the URL
10- What do you click on to add a new tab?

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